Friday, February 27, 2009

You can become more profitent in tecnolgey by doing more work or.Doingmore thing's to help you like.Finding more recherh and if you want to learn more about it.Find more about it or buy it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It has changed by from cd player's mp3's to ipod's. And it has changed by a whole bunch of way's.To do it like also tv black and white to coler to dtv . and also movies to boring black snd white to nice coloer full action movie.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Yes because it has to do with the technology of the past. And how we learn to create new thing's from . The technology and do more stuff to find out . More stuff  and have cooler thing's like plastaion 4 or a asome  thing's

Thursday, February 19, 2009

thursday, Tecconnet WPM

I can get more proficient in key boarding by getting more.Help in it or I can just practice everyday.On the computer or just have practice card's to. Help me on key boarding or just stare at them until I remember them .

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If I have a class in college and I have to take a. Test about the rules and I don't now them. I will fail the test but if I do now how I will probley. Make a very good grade on it  and ace the test.

Monday, February 16, 2009

BubbleShare: Share photos - Find great Clip Art Images.
By getting  idea's from there powerpoint.And other idea's from the information. And also when you're. Doing  a  show

Friday, February 13, 2009